Burger Press,5 Inch Stainless Steel Hamburger Press Patty Maker, Hamburger Press,Comes with 50 Pieces of Wax Paper
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Burger Press,5 Inch Stainless Steel Hamburger Press Patty Maker, Hamburger Press,Comes with 50 Pieces of Wax Paper

(45% Rabatt)
$10.70 nach Cashback
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Infos zu diesem Element

  • [Large Size Hamburger Press Patty Maker ]Simply load the burger maker with meat, fish or a veggie mixture and press down the handle to produce a perfect 5 in thick round burger!
  • [HIGH QUALITY ] Made of stainless steel, not easy to rust or deformation for a long time; wooden handle tightened to keep taut and fixed, large force area, fit your hands and save effort during use.
  • [NON-STICK PARCHMENT PAPER INCLUDED]In order to facilitate the removal of the pressed patties, we have prepared 50 sheets of non-stick wax paper for you, you can use the wax paper at the bottom and top to solve the problem of non-stick patties .
  • [High-Quality Materials ]These hamburger press are made of extra-thick solid stainless steel, which means no more rusting, bending or breaking. Stainless steel bbq tools are easier to clean, and will not break and melt after long-term use like wooden and silicone handles.
  • [Versatile Kitchen Tool]In addition to making burger patties, this hamburger press can also be used as a mini frying pan for cooking meatballs, meat, pork, beef, fish, pancakes, shrimp, etc., and as a gadget for barbecue, roast or grill.


[Large Size Hamburger Press Patty Maker ]Simply load the burger maker with meat, fish or a veggie mixture and press down the handle to produce a perfect 5 in thick round burger!<br/>[HIGH QUALITY ] Made of stainless steel, not easy to rust or deformation for a long time; wooden handle tightened to keep taut and fixed, large force area, fit your hands and save effort during use.<br/>[NON-STICK PARCHMENT PAPER INCLUDED]In order to facilitate the removal of the pressed patties, we have prepared 50 sheets of non-stick wax paper for you, you can use the wax paper at the bottom and top to solve the problem of non-stick patties .<br/>[High-Quality Materials ]These hamburger press are made of extra-thick solid stainless steel, which means no more rusting, bending or breaking. Stainless steel bbq tools are easier to clean, and will not break and melt after long-term use like wooden and silicone handles.<br/>[Versatile Kitchen Tool]In addition to making burger patties, this hamburger press can also be used as a mini frying pan for cooking meatballs, meat, pork, beef, fish, pancakes, shrimp, etc., and as a gadget for barbecue, roast or grill.<br/>size: 13cm<br/>Material: Stainless steel<br/>colour: silver<br/>Package Contents:<br/>1 x Burger Press<br/>50 x Wax Paper<br/>Only the above package content, other products are not included.<br/>Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.
  • Gewicht: 0.71 LB
  • Höhe: 3.55 IN
  • Länge: 5.12 IN
  • Gewicht: 5.12 IN